Custom, professional, personalized items for business, home, and more!
We produce:
* High-quality, professional, personalized laser cut, 3D printed, and engraved products in wood, metal, and acrylic
* Custom high-tech business cards and fandom prop ID Cards and badges
- all to your specifications.
This is a custom, personalized, professionally-produced Avengers ID Card.
Great for cosplayers, fans, or anyone who wants their affiliation to the Avengers to be known! Choose a legend like Cap or just be yourself; either way, you can personalize all of the details.
Here's the best part: Specify a URL of your choice (your Instagram, web site, Linktr.ee,etc), which will be used as the QR code on the card and can be scanned by anyone with a smartphone! Optionally, upgrade to an NFC card and add "tap" functionality as well! Now you can send people to your social media/web site without having to carry and hand out traditional business cards!
The card can be slot punched (for a clip or lanyard) or not (for a badge holder or to hand carry). Clips, lanyards, and badge holders are also available here on the shop as well if you need them.
All cards made by Custom Card Factory are professionally produced to order and are waterproof and durable and will last several years with reasonable care. Order yours today!